GSS Screenshots

Main Tab

Contains the controls needed to move and monitor the mount.

GSS Screenshot 1
Options Tab

Setup themes, tabs, voice commands, beeps, and others.

GSS Options Tab
Gamepad Tab

Support for most gamepads

GSS Gamepad Tab
Plot Tab

Plot real time axis positions to validate rates.

GSS Plot Tab

Trigger a DSLR when paired with a cable for your camera

Pulses Tab

Monitor guiding and quality of individual pulses live.

GSS Pulses Tab
Main Tab Settings

All basic mount settings are easy to access from the main tab.

GSS Main Screen Settings
Monitor (logging)

Extensive logging from connecting apps to the mount. 

GSS Monitor
3D Tab

View real time mount positions in 3D space.

GSS 3D Tab
Pole Tab

Used to find pole positions for the polar scope.

GSS Pole Tab
Focuser Tab

Control a separate ascom focuser

GSS Focuser Tab